14 for 14

14 goals in 2014 by Lauren Likes

  1. Go on a grand adventure
  2. Make a quilt
  3. Start something
  4. Project Life 2014
  5. Blog (Design) Love
  6. Create a recipe book
  7. Learn to shoot in manual
  8. Read the Bible all the way through
  9. Use up my craft stash
  10. Be an encourager
  11. Dance like a fool  at a huge concert
  12. Annihilate my wardrobe
  13. Go to bed by 11pm
  14. Read 2 books a month

Its goal setting time. I love goals. I like abstract ones and I like tasks that I can check off my list and feel the rush of affirmation and completion. When I turned 25 I really wanted to do a 25 at 25 goal thingy. But I was way too intimidated about 25 big goals and couldn't think of enough fast enough and knew that if I arbitrarily picked them, then I would be very unlikely to accomplish them. So I waited. New Years rolled around and I didn't want to set resolutions, but I had some projects and ideas rolling around in my head of things I wanted to accomplish and I deciding doing 14 in 14 would be a really fun plan!Some things in my list are pretty straightforward, like make a quilt or complete my 2014 Project Life book. Some are more abstract, like be an encourager. Some of this will be harder to measure my success, but I think Ill know by I how I feel at the end of the year.Here are some details:

  1. Go on a grand adventure: I have an idea in the works, but if it falls through we always can find another adventure!
  2. Make a quilt: This has been a goal for a long time and I have a few ideas I just can't shake and I'm ready to give it a go.
  3. Start something: Again, I have something in the works. I want to start something for others to participate in to spread around the love. So keep an eye out!
  4. Project Life 2014: DUH. I'm in Love with Project Life and cant wait to document our life in 2014 with this project. View last years album here or check on some tips here.
  5. Blog (Design) Love: I bought this course and cannot wait to participate! I really want to upgrade my blog, but want to do it right. So I plan to work through this very carefully to creat the best blog I can!
  6. Create a recipe book: I have a ton of cookbooks and multiple blank recipe books to write in recipes. But somehow I find myself searching Pinterest frantically for THAT recipe that I remember seeing 6 months ago and just have to make tonight. I want to get all my favorite recipes in one small book to have on hand. No frantic searching. A tangible plan in case Y2K actually happens. Something to pass down one day.
  7. Learn to shoot in manual & use it: I have a camera I'm in love with. It does magical things in automatic settings. But I know it can do more. Then I'm going to use it all the time. Right now I'm very sheepish about taking it 'normal everyday places' because I don't want to lug it around and be intrusive. But, I value those photos so much more than my blurry phone ones. So, no matter what mode I'm shooting in, I want it to be on that fantastic, magical camera.
  8. Read the Bible all the way through: Im currently on day 70 of a read the bible through plan I started about 3 years ago....This way I have some leeway to miss a few days and can still accomplish my goal. I love to read, I'll conquer any challenge and I've been a Christian way too long to not have this accomplished.
  9. Use up my craft stash: Just ask my husband and he will tell you: I HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF. And I really love it. All of it. So, my plan is to not buy any new craft stuff (as long as it's not something I already I have) and to try to make do with what I have, use it up and then I can have a more manageable amount and can add only things I truly love.
  10. Be an encourager: This is a quality that I really want others to see in me and it is a way that I want to bless others. So my general idea is to just do something encouraging for someone every week. Whether it be just a check in via text or small gift or some encouraging words via email. I want to make others happy and feel appreciated
  11. Dance like a fool at a huge concert: already got my eye on one. Look out Imagine Dragons, this fool is coming for you...
  12. Annihilate my wardrobe: This one is simple in theory: go on a mass killing spree in my closet and get down to clothes that I only really love and actually wear.
  13. Go to bed by 11pm: I really need to do this because 1. it's what grown ups do: have a schedule and routine and 2. my body needs a LOT of sleep. I need to excercise some self-care in this area for real.
  14. Read 2 books a month: I love to read but go through these ups and downs where I read like crazy and then don't read at all for weeks. This is such a great mental break for me and I think that planning time to read every night will help me achieve my bed by 11 and read the bible all the way through goals.

Some things are craft/project related. Some things are intellectual/technical skill/spiritual related. Some are just fun. Some will be checked off swiftly and some will take some evaluating and real hard work. But these are the 14 things I want to accomplish in 2014. A lot of them center around decluttering and created a more zen schedule, which are things I've always needed in my life but havent always had/practiced tangible ways to accomplish that. So, be on the lookout for lots of updates surrounding these and I hope to come out of this with lots of fresh new ideas through these challenges and to create lots of breathing room....Next, I'll reveal my One Little Word for this year. Until then, what are your goals for 2014? Taking on any huge challenges? Id love to hear!


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