1/52 Portraits: The Beginning

Get Messy is officially live today! The new Season of Happy has launched! You can join with a year-long membership or choose the month to month option here. Also, coinciding with the launch of Get Messy, we have opened a shop that has prompt packs and classes in it! The first class we are launching is the one I am most excited about! So let me tell you...Last year my friend Vanessa embarked on a project of taking 52 Self Portaits. But they were not just selfies that we are all overrun with on social media; these were the deep, soul-searching kind of photographs that truly put an image to her personality, emotions, thoughts and life. I was so inspired. I casually asked her what her plans were for the project, because I knew I wasn't the only one who was inspired. Her answer: Nothing. She truly was doing this for herself with no means to capitalize on it. When we asked if she would consider turning it into a course and partnering with Get Messy to sell it, she was so excited and I was elated! V has done an amazing job of preparing the course for others and I was so honored to be a very small part of helping it all come together.Now I am ready to walk through the course myself. This year I am embarking on Vanessa's 52 Portraits journey and getting a little more acquainted my own self through these photos and words. I would love it if you would join me. You can purchase the class here and learn more about it. I have already learned so much through beginning this series of prompts and am marvelling at what the rest of the year holds in these challenges.So, here is my first self-portrait + the words below.

1/52: The Beginning

1-Ready-BlogThis photo represents many things in my life right now, not just for this project. I'm leaning into life, ready to go. I'm excited and anxious and riding the highs of emotions and goals and anticipation. Even though the image is a bit out of focus because I am moving, it perfectly represents the feel of the present and the look of the future. You can kind of make out the outline, but the details are still left to be discovered. I have a lot of plans, goals and dreams for this next year. This fuzzy image with its energy of pure joy and flying are how I am approaching the year. Let's swing high 2016!52 Portraits is a photography course in self discovery by Vanessa and is hosted through Get Messy Art Journal. The course is a year-long journey in using photography and words to turn your reflection inward and capture who you are at this phase in your life. Learn more and join the course here. 


Survey + Giveaway


January Currently 2016