Crickets, Creeks & Campfires


A few weekends ago we payed off a really old debt and took my aunt and uncle camping, which was his birthday present from about 2 years ago...


We went to Caesars Head campground in Greer SC, near Greenville, and everywhere you looked this is what you saw. It was breathtaking. eye candy. This was the view from the bridge you had to cross to get to your car. Not a bad parking lot attraction?

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We spent our first evening setting up, catching up and sleeping. Our second night we built a fire, roasted hot dogs, had Cookies and Cream smores (*seriously these will blow your mind), and played cards. Exactly what the cavemen did right? But for real, the most cookie cutter mold you can get when camping and I love it. No wonder people don't deviate from this routine around the campfire, its been perfected.


We got up the next morning, cooked breakfast in the parking lot. Weirdos. Then got all hyped up for our hike! We headed up to Rainbow  Falls and expected a 5 mile round trip hike....well no one said it was up hill, both ways, in the snow, barefoot. Seriously though they needed to give a little more warning, this was not a hop, skip and a jump or for you if you have breathing or heart problems. Be warned people.


But! To lighten the wheezing and constant complaining (coming mostly from me-Im a trooper...) There were these awesome views along the side of the mountain!

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We were all in constant awe of how the paths were built. Anyone out there know how they did this?! And how they got a machine up there?! I could barely carry myself...


The walk up was gorgeous and the end was well worth it. I was not expecting this beauty. It was phenomenal. We climbed on the slippery, dangerous rocks, took photos and had lunch.


We got up the next morning and wanted to go see Caesars Head. Well the good news is I took one of my  favorite all time photos. The bad news is this is all you could see. The fog was crazy thick.


But we made one last pit stop on the way home and saw White Water Falls. This one was actually a national park and was closed because of the government shutdown. But that didn't stop any of the 100s of Americans who just parked along the road and walked in past the gate. Way to go America!


A couple of tips if you're looking to camp at Caesars Head/Jones Gap:

  • First of all, know that they are completely different places. So know where you're going before you go.
  • Second, the campsite maps shows that your campsite is only .3 miles in and easy to access. Not true. Be prepared for rough terrain and a long uphill hike, so pack as if you are backpacking, not car camping.
  • third, there are bathroom facilities, they are rustic. But have a shower and toilet.
  • fourth, you want campsite #5 at Jones Gap. Its right by the cars, bathrooms and by that beautiful stream up top, so car camping is totally doable!
  • Fifth, watch out for bears and yellow jacket nests. True story.
  • Last, the hikes are pretty intense, so plan for 1 a day, 2 if you are crazy fit and not a sloth. (proud sloth here)

This was a park we are definitely looking forward to going back to and exploring more trails!


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