Get Messy 18: Visions
This weeks art journal pages are quite appropriately named Visions, as I received visions (of some kind) for these pages. This top page was a beautiful page of water, which is where I feel I do my best soul searching. I've been really wrestling with our finances post our move and needed to journal it out, but it was a little bit too personal to share, so I made a flap with a funny ecard that perfectly sums up my feelings towards money. Simple and bright. Winner.
This page. Oh this page. I saw this tree over the weekend and was fascinated by it. Like completely consumed by the details of this tree and needed to get it out of my head and onto paper. When I show you the photo of this tree you are going to think I'm crazy and say how it looks nothing like this. But I had to try. Also, did you know that you cannot paint fog. Hmm. Just cant do it. So my messy swirls are my best representation of the intense fog. Maybe Olya will give me some tips.....Cant wait to see what you made this week!! PS, we've officially capped Get Messy Participants so that we can figure out this crazy, growing, living, inspiring thing and bring you the even better GM 2.0!!
Get Messy is an art journal challenge where a gang of crafty vixens are sharing art journal pages we have created to practice our skills and push past our creative limits with hopes to inspire. We share our pages without restraint every week, and once a month we create around a prompt. Go check out these crazy talented ladies who are creating pages who each have a unique perspective and style. We will be sharing our work around social media so follow the hashtag #getmessyartjourna