Hello Fall!


Fall is here! Fall is here!

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This post is about how I'm doin' work. Not about fun.

I've been working weekends a lot lately. I only had to work a half day on a Saturday and Terrell surprised me with a trip to one of the biggest fall festivals around: The John C. Campbell Folk School! And it perfectly accomplished one of my October iChoose goals! (see doin' work)

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Tons of people performing blacksmithing, woodworking and book binding. Lots of craftiness  and handmade goodness.

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Oh and food. The country version of foodtrucks. Food booths? Food tents? Food tables? Funnel cakes, BBQ, meat on a stick. Need I say more?

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And real live southern pickin', cloggin' and sangin' about 'corn liquor'.....

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This picture exemplifies my favorite thing about these festivals: art +  pony rides.

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Pet a llama + best hand squeezed lemonade I've ever paid $3 for....


Then we took a detour...a legitamite detour. And found this sign, so just in case you're lost and need to know how far the south pole or China is. Found it!

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We made a stop at Fires Creek. Very far off the beaten path, but totally worth it.

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We skipped a few rocks + trudged through the creek to find this beaut.

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Don't let the boots fool you, I ended up barefoot. If you're ever near Brasstown, NC make sure to check out the Folk School (they always have free or cheap events going on) and check out Fires Creek if you have a little extra time and are up for a little adventure.

 Where are your favorite roadside attractions?! And how are your iChoose goals coming along for October?




Holiday DIY Crushes