How She Creates Good: Ep 319 Use your Creativity to Advocate in your City

Where does your thread of creativity lead you? For Quinn Tempest, it led her to creating change in her community. Click through to listen to the full episode.

Where does your creativity lead you? In this interview, Quinn Tempest explains how her thread of creativity led her to creating change in her community. Quinn explains how she continues to bring her creativity into the re-envisioning of her town into the best it could be. As someone who loves to create, she emphasizes the importance of breaking down the creating process into steps to slow us down. Sharing a few of her tips she gives her clients, she encourages us to get out of our heads and into our hearts. She reminds us that we don't find our purpose, we uncover them.

Show Notes

Where does your thread of creativity lead you? For Quinn Tempest, it led her to creating change in her community. Click through to listen to the full episode.

Meet Your Guest

Quinn Tempest is a creative entrepreneur based in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona. She helps entrepreneurs and small business owners uncover their unique purpose and bring it to life in everything they do in their business - both online and off. Her expertise is in branding and holistic digital marketing strategy, and she’s a highly-rated speaker and workshop leader at conferences and organizations around the country. She lives car-free in Downtown Phoenix, is a board member of Downtown Phoenix, Inc., and a co-founder of local urban awareness platform, This Could Be PHX. You can usually find her at sipping on tea lattes at local coffee shops, riding her bike around town, or twirling in front of colorful murals!

Connect with Quinn

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