How to Survive, Thrive & Accomplish

Got a lot to do before the holidays - me too. Let's get them done together.

We had a long weekend this past week and decided to travel to Jordan. We were essentially Indiana Jones in real life. We visited the ancient city of Petra, camped in Wadi Rum (pictured below - they call it 'the moon' because it's where all the movies set on the moon are filmed! Star Wars! Martian!), floated in the dead sea, hiked up to 1000 year old castles, ate all the Shawarma.

But on the plane ride home I counted the days and realized I only had 15 days before we left for the holidays.....

* Cue PANIC. *

I have a LOT of work to get done. We are making some changes at Get Messy, Im shifting my biz to work more N*SYNC with Get Messy, Im attempting to launch the podcast, we also have to pack and buy gifts and plan our travels...Im sure your list is just the same + longer so I won't bore you anymore...

But, I did what I always do when I get overwhelmed. I sat down and I wrote 2 lists.

One, the list below, a list of ways I would deal with the overwhelm + actually get things done. And two, a list of the things I need to do in order of their priority level.

Immediately I felt a sigh of relief and as soon as I was home and at my computer I was able to hit the ground running.

I figured if this list is helpful for me, it would be for you also. Take what you need and go conquer your list so you can turn off your phone, log out of your email, take a nap and enjoy the holiday season. That's my plan and I hope it's yours too!


  1. Power Hour: Dedicate 1 hour per day to get sh*t done. Answer emails, cross off tasks, use the touch it once rule, no procrastinating, no instagram - just doing.
  2. 5 Things: Do 5 of 1 creative task a day, whether it's taking photos, posting to instagram, making art journal pages, wrapping gifts, making gifts, writing holiday cards, etc. Get a lot of it done at once + prioritize what you love - creating.
  3. Schedule: Make + KEEP a written schedule. Create a task list for each day along with it and follow it for real.
  4. Get Out: Literally go OUTside. Go for walks, see friends, work at a coffee shop, do fun stuff!
  5. Quit Work: No working past a certain time. Call it quits. log out and go enjoy your evening.
  6. Make Priorities: Set a list of big goals, put them in order of importance, make your to do lists from there and then do them.
  7. Batch: Set aside time to work on a group of like tasks and work on them until they are done. Keep that momentum going and mark off big projects in one go.
  8. Say No + Ask For Help: Get clear on your priorities and say no to everything else. Ask for what you need in a clear + direct way.
  9. Don't Get Distracted: No new things. Make a list of new ideas or courses or videos or projects, etc - they will still be there when you have time in the new year.
  10. Give yourself a gift: not a latte - the gift of time + joy. Go on a trip, take a day off, come to the Get Messy Retreat in Charleston. Give yourself something to look forward to that will nourish your soul.

Really it's simple, make a list and follow it. Do fun stuff and let the rest go.

Comment below and tell me if you have any other tricks for getting things done that you are planning to use in the next few days before the holiday madness hits!

Ps. Every Thursday I send out helpful tips, stories about what Im learning creatively, creative challenges and more for my creative BFFs just like you.

Sign up here to get all the goods. 

In Messiness & Grace,


How She Creates: Season 3 is Live!!


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