Translating Your Creative Ideas

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Getting your ideas out of your head and bringing them life...

You know when you have this PERFECT image in your mind. Sometimes it is crystal clear and sharp, but sometimes its more of an idea or feeling, but you know you will know it when you see it. Yep, we all have these visions. We have them for our lives, our homes, our families, our hair, our face, our outfits and especially our art. And when it comes to art, this is where we are most likely to stop and never actually make the thing. We fear that the translated, real life version of our art won't match up to the version in our mind, so we don't even attempt it. Or, when we do, it comes out SO wrong that we are crushed and vow to never make art again.I've been there. Recently actually. If you follow me on instagram (see my story highlights: travel journal) you have seen that I am working on developing a travel journal for YOU! I have been making my own travel journals for years and have gotten so many questions and requests about them that I finally decided to create one for you. But, here's the problem: the journal lives in PERFECTION in my mind. This is not just a painting or an art journal page that only I will see and if it's bad I can just cover it up or turn the page, but it's a BIG thing. It's not just for me, it's for others to see, use and scrutinize. So now the pressure has quadrupled to get this perfect idea from my head into a real life journal you can hold and take on vacation with you. Cue the nervous sweating.So, here's how Im combatting this issue of turning my ideas into the real life version of it that can stand up to my imaginary version. First, let's go down metaphor lane. Let's say you have a specific style for yourself when it comes to your appearance and your clothing you want to create. Where do you start? Pinterest? Magazines? You collect some images of women dressed the way you want, with a similar hairstyle to your dream one. Ok, now you have your vision out of your head and into some examples that will give you some direction. Next, you figure out what stores sell these type outfits, likely Target. You go to Target, grab every item slightly resembling your vision and you take your mountain into the dressing room and slowly start to climb it. You try on dozens of outfits and different pieces. You sort them into absolutely not, 100% yes and maybe piles. You slowly build up your look until it is exactly what was in your head. The right skirt or bottoms, with the perfect top, all accentuated with the accessories that will complete your new look or style. And if that store doesn't work for you, you go to the next one and the next one until you find that perfect maxi skirt that screams bohemian, chic, professional, etc. The moral: We experiment by trying E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.We don't stop until we have exhausted ourselves and all our options and have hit our goal. Right?Now, let's apply this to our art. This is where we aren't prone to experimenting. We fear it being ugly, wasting supplies and time, being judged, never getting it right, not being good enough, people won't understand. We don't see it as important or worthy and don't make the time like we would for a shopping trip. Be honest, how many full days have you spent shopping at the mall looking for the exact right pair of shoes or coat or couch or bike? Now, be honest again, how many full days have you spent experimenting, practicing, perfecting that one vision that is in your head when it comes to your art?This is it. This is the answer to our translation issues: we must experiment with EVERYTHING over and over until we get it right. So here is what I'm doing. I have this vision for my journals, so I started by finding other things that were similar, colors, photos, fonts, etc and collected them. Then I began drawing out what I wanted. Then, with my incredible designers help, we just made one. It's not good y'all. Note: its not the designers fault, its not anyone's fault! It's a first draft. But! The point is: we made the thing. We put something, anything onto paper. And that is when the magic happened: that's when it clicked. I had this version in my head but also I realized it was more of an idea that a specific vision and I 'knew I would know it when I saw it'. What happened was: I knew it when I DIDN'T see it. I got the first draft back and saw immediately: I don't want that. Which then lead me to: THIS is what I want. I would NEVER have gotten there without seeing something, anything on paper. When it was in my head it was not editable.When bringing your vision to life you have to first make it real so you can get to the editable version.It doesn't have to be good, it should probably start out terrible. Make that your goal. 'Let me make it so bad, that I can only make it better from there'. Here is my wisdom for you today if you are struggling to translate your vision: make a terrible version of it that is editable. Whether that be a tiny sketch, a pencil version, a word doc, a painting on computer paper, make it be something you don't care about. Don't get caught up in how much you spent on it, how many supplies you wasted or how much time was lost.Make it fast, simple, bad. Then edit it.This is the only way you are going to be able to say this is not my vision, but this is. I'm off to edit every square inch of our first draft so that I can make it better. Then I'll do this same process again and again until it lives up to, and hopefully exceeds, the version in my mind.Your creative challenge this week is to make a terrible but editable version of the perfect vision in your head and then to edit it. If I can do this, you can do this. Let's bring our dreams to life friends.In Messiness & Grace, LaurenPs. If you're interested in and excited for the travel journals please let me know! Hopefully they will be ready for purchase around June 1, so keep your eyes peeled![/et_pb_text][et_pb_signup _builder_version="3.0.106" title="Want Creative Challenges emailed to you every Thursday?" button_text="Send me some creative encouragement!" use_background_color="on" background_image="" background_position="top_left" activecampaign_list="|none" aweber_list="|none" campaign_monitor_list="|none" constant_contact_list="|none" convertkit_list="|none" emma_list="|none" feedblitz_list="|none" getresponse_list="|none" hubspot_list="|none" icontact_list="|none" infusionsoft_list="|none" madmimi_list="|none" mailchimp_list="Lauren Likes Newsletter|c44d68647a" mailerlite_list="|none" mailpoet_list="|none" mailster_list="|none" ontraport_list="|none" salesforce_list="|none" sendinblue_list="|none" use_focus_border_color="off" background_layout="dark" result_message_font_size_tablet="51" result_message_line_height_tablet="2" custom_button="on" button_icon_placement="right" last_name_field="off" success_message="Awesome! Check your email for a free instagram challenge today!" button_text_color="#000000" button_bg_color="#ffffff" button_text_size="12" button_border_width="1"]Sign up to receive weekly essays on creativity, updates about the podcast for creatives How She Creates and more fun, free creative goodies.[/et_pb_signup][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


How She Creates: Ep 225 Bringing Your Vision to Life


How She Creates: The 100 Day Project Check In