Guest post!

Happy Friday! I am so excited and honored to be a new contributor over at The Duck and The Owl! So go check out my first post about Finding the Magic of Wanderlust and say hi to the girls! Oh and do you see my adorable giraffe over on the contributor page?! Sarah and Kaitlyn are fun, whitty and great writers. They have such a sweet community of followers and I'm over the moon excited to be a part of it and make some new friends.

If you're new here and want to stay up to date with all that's going on subscribe via email, blog lovin or your favorite RSS feed! Say hi and let's be friends!NaBloPoMo November 2013This post is a part of the National Blog Posting Month Challenge. You can see a list of more blogs participating in this challenge here and see a full list of my posts here.


Thankfulness Saturday: Small group


Photo Scavenger Hunts: Winter's Slip-n-Slides