Photo Scavenger Hunts: Winter's Slip-n-Slides

***I want to apologize if anyone had any issues viewing yesterdays posts. Something wonky happened, but the page is working fine now. Here is a link to yesterdays tour of my craftroom if you missed it. Stop by and eww and ahh please, just don't look at the floor (vacuuming is hard)! Now onto your regularly scheduled programming.Call me nerdy. But I guarantee you I can have more fun than you any night of the week. And I don't mean put on my sweatpants and binge watch Vampire Dairies fun. I mean laugh until your sides hurt fun. Fun that you talk about for years to come. Fun that makes you friends. Fun that also makes you get weird looks.So I grew up in the youth group where 'good, clean fun' was what every parent wanted for their tween/teens. There is something that youth pastors know that the rest of the world hasn't caught onto yet:

True Fun is all about laughter.

And mostly its about laughing at yourself.

Heck, I think I just may have found the answer to all your life's problems right there. I should be charging for this stuff people!!

But, alas, I love you. (virtual hug) So I give you my wisdom for free. So, are you bored? Need a good laugh? Need a Tuesday night activity? Cant get your slip-n-slide on?! Have a ton of people coming over and, uhhh, nothing to do???

Go on a photo scavenger hunt fools!

I have even taken the liberty of writing out all your clues for you! It's really simple:

  1. Divide into groups
  2. Get in your cars, grab your cameras
  3. Come up with a group hashtag (duh you gotta instagram that you fools)
  4. Tweak the clues to fit your town
  5. Go!

Here are a list of clues that you can use. Add to them, skip some. Make them more challenging or inappropriate. But keep it classy people!! The goal is to have fun. Do something out of the TV watching, pizza eating ordinary. This is a scavenger hunt we did as a get to know you activity for Terrell and I's first college bible study group this semester. So we have done these. They are possible. They are hilarious.


  • Always wear your seatbelt
  • No speeding
  • You must take a photo of at least 1 person in your group completing each clue correctly
  • First group back to the house with your entire team with all the clues photographed wins
  • Tweet/instagram all pics with the #makeupsomethingupfools


  • Recreate someone in your groups love story/engagement/etc
  • Someone in the groups address, but make it discreet
  • Walk someone else's dog
  • Take a selfie with a stranger
  • Use an inside joke to clue people into a task, place, person, etc
  • And it burns, burns, burns like a burning ring of fire….
  • This is where ______ spends his day
  • Come up with something witty about a local landmark to lead people there
  • Find 3 ______
  • Go find someone classy where they are rolling back prices
  • Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do when they come for you……
  • Everybody loves f_ _y_
  • Take me out to the________
  • Go to the place that _______ and make a human pyramid
  • Go to the place where Jesus eats & high-five one of his servants
  • Create a random dance party and show off your best moves
  • ***1 extra point per stranger who joins in
  • “I cant believe we all fit in here”
  • Recreate a scene from a Disney movie
  • ***5 extra points if someone lets you use their baby to do the Lion King scene
  • Photobomb a strangers photo

Fill in the blanks with things about your town. If you don't get some of the clues either A. ask me or B. good luck! I hope you have a ton of fun and seriously. Try it. You will never regret a night you spent laughing until you peed a little and have a ton of ridiculous pictures to prove it!

These are a few shots from us completing these tasks. Happy Hunting! And if you have any additions please share!

1-August photostream7

NaBloPoMo November 2013This post is a part of the National Blog Posting Month Challenge. You can see a list of more blogs participating in this challenge here and see a full list of my posts here.


Guest post!


Workspace Wednesday: Craftroom tour